

POST api/token

Post a login and get an access token



GET api/Configuration/Accounts?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all Accounts

GET api/Configuration/Causes?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all Causes

GET api/Configuration/Clients?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all Clients

PUT api/Configuration/Clients

Create a new Client or update an existing one

GET api/Configuration/CostCenters?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all Cost Centers

PUT api/Configuration/CostCenters

Create a new Cost Center

GET api/Configuration/CostDocuments?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all Cost Documents

PUT api/Configuration/CostDocuments

Create a new Cost Document

GET api/Configuration/CostDocumentTypes?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all cost Document Types

GET api/Configuration/Currencies

List all currencies

PUT api/Configuration/Currencies/{code}

Edit a currency

GET api/Configuration/Employees?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all Employees

PUT api/Configuration/Employees

Create a new Employee or update an existing one

DELETE api/Configuration/Employees/{code}

Block user

GET api/Configuration/Functions?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all Functions

PUT api/Configuration/Functions

Create a new Function

GET api/Configuration/Options

ManWinwWin options

GET api/Configuration/Profiles?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all Profiles

GET api/Configuration/Suppliers?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all Suppliers

PUT api/Configuration/Suppliers

Create a new Supplier or update an existing one

GET api/Configuration/Suppliers/{code}/Contacts

List all contacts of a supplier

POST api/Configuration/Suppliers/{code}/Contacts

Create a new Contact

PUT api/Configuration/Suppliers/{code}/Contacts/{id}

Update an Contact

GET api/Configuration/Symptoms?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all Symptoms

GET api/Configuration/Systems?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all Systems

PUT api/Configuration/Systems

Create a new System

Purchase Requests

Purchase Requests

GET api/PurchaseRequests?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all purchase requests

POST api/PurchaseRequests

Add a new purchase request

PUT api/PurchaseRequests/{code}

Update a pending purchase request

DELETE api/PurchaseRequests/{code}

Delete a Pending Request

PUT api/PurchaseRequests/{code}/Approve

Approve a Pending Request

PUT api/PurchaseRequests/{code}/Close

Close a Completed Request

GET api/PurchaseRequests/{code}/Materials

Get the requested stock items of a purchase request

GET api/PurchaseRequests/{code}/Others

Get the requested others of a purchase request

PUT api/PurchaseRequests/{code}/Reject

Reject a Pending Request


Items / Assets

GET api/Items?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all the Items

PUT api/Items

Create a new Item

GET api/Items/{item}

Get the details of an Item

PUT api/Items/{item}

Create a new child Item

PATCH api/Items/{item}

Update an existing Item

GET api/Items/{item}/AppliedMaterials?{Paging}&{Filter}

No documentation available.

GET api/Items/{item}/Components?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all Components associated with an Item

GET api/Items/{item}/Components/{id}

Component image

PUT api/Items/{item}/Image

Upload and set the Item image

GET api/Items/{item}/MaintenancePlans?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all Maintenance Plans associated with an Item

GET api/Items/{item}/ReadingPoints?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all the ReadingPoints of an Item/Asset

GET api/Items/{item}/Readings?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all the Reading records of an Item/Asset

PUT api/Items/{item}/Readings

Update an existing Reading

POST api/Items/{item}/Readings/{param}

Add a new Reading

GET api/Items/{item}/RunningRecords?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all the Running records of an Item/Asset

POST api/Items/{item}/RunningRecords

Add a new Running record

GET api/Items/Locations?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all the Locations

PUT api/Items/Locations

Create a new Location

GET api/Items/Options

ManWinwWin options for the Items

GET api/Items/Types?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all the Item Types



GET api/About

Get Company name

GET api/License

Get License

GET api/User

Get the logged-in user details

GET api/Version

Get API version


Purchase Orders

GET api/Purchases?{Filter}

List all purchase orders

PUT api/Purchases/{id}

Update a purchase order

DELETE api/Purchases/{id}

Delete a prepared purchase order

GET api/Purchases/Materials?{Filter}

List all Materials in all Purchase Orders

GET api/Purchases/Others?{Filter}

List all Others/services in all Purchase Orders



GET api/Projects?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all projects

GET api/Projects/{project}

Get the details of a Project

PUT api/Projects/Issue/{project}

Issue a Scheduled Project

PUT api/Projects/Terminate/{project}

Terminate a Project


Work Orders

GET api/Works?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all Work Orders

GET api/Works/{workorder}

Get the details of a WO

PATCH api/Works/{workorder}

Edit Work Order details

GET api/Works/{workorder}/2D/{component}

List 2D Tasks Coordinates

GET api/Works/{workorder}/Documents

Get Work Order Documents

POST api/Works/{workorder}/Documents

Upload and associate documents to the Work Order

DELETE api/Works/{workorder}/Documents/{id}

Remove document of the Work Order

GET api/Works/{workorder}/DownTimes

Get the WO down times

GET api/Works/{workorder}/Materials

Get all planned materials for work order

POST api/Works/{workorder}/NotPerform

Not Perform Work Order

GET api/Works/{workorder}/Requests

List all Maintenance Requests from a Work Order

POST api/Works/{workorder}/Requests/{request}

Add Request to Work Order

DELETE api/Works/{workorder}/Requests/{request}

Remove Request from Work Order

GET api/Works/{workorder}/Tasks

Get All Tasks

PUT api/Works/{workorder}/Tasks

Save Work Order Tasks

PUT api/Works/{workorder}/Terminate

Terminate Work Order

PUT api/Works/ChangeState/{workorder}

Perform/Approve a Work Order

POST api/Works/InProgress

Create an In Progress Work Order

PUT api/Works/Issue/{workorder}

Issue a Work Order

GET api/Works/Options

ManWinwWin options for the work orders

GET api/Works/PendingWorkReasons?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all Pending Work Reasons

GET api/Works/ReschedulingReasons?{Paging}&{Filter}

Get all Rescheduling Work Reasons

POST api/Works/Scheduled

Create a Scheduled Work Order

PUT api/Works/Scheduled/{workorder}

Edit Scheduled Work Order

GET api/Works/Series

Work Orders Series (only returns if Series is enabled )

POST api/Works/Terminated

Create a Terminated Work Order

GET api/Works/Urgency

Work Orders Urgency

GET api/Works/UserCodes

List all User Codes

GET api/Works/WorkTypes?{Filter}

List all work types

Store Requests

Store Requests

GET api/StoreRequests?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all store requests

POST api/StoreRequests

Add a new store request

PUT api/StoreRequests/{code}

Update a pending store request

DELETE api/StoreRequests/{code}

Delete a Pending Request

PUT api/StoreRequests/{code}/Close

Close a Completed Request

GET api/StoreRequests/{code}/Materials

List all Materials in a request


Maintenance Requests

GET api/Requests?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all maintenance requests

POST api/Requests

Add a new maintenance request

GET api/Requests/{code}

Get the details of a maintenance request

PUT api/Requests/{code}

Update a pending maintenance request

DELETE api/Requests/{code}

Delete a Pending Request

PUT api/Requests/{code}/Approve

Approve a Pending Request

PUT api/Requests/{code}/Close

Close a Completed Request

POST api/Requests/{code}/Documents

Upload and associate documents to the Request

DELETE api/Requests/{code}/Documents/{id}

Remove document of the Request

GET api/Requests/{code}/Messages

Get the Messages of a maintenance request

POST api/Requests/{code}/Messages

Create a new Message in the Maintenance Request

DELETE api/Requests/{code}/Messages/{id}

Delete a Message

PUT api/Requests/{code}/Messages/{id}/Read

Set the Message as read

PUT api/Requests/{code}/Reject

Reject a Pending Request

GET api/Requests/{code}/Works

List all Work Orders from a Maintenance Request

GET api/Requests/Options

ManWinwWin options for the requests

GET api/Requests/SatisfactionLevels

List Satisfaction Levels

GET api/Requests/Urgency

Requests Urgency

GET api/Requests/UserCodes

List all User Codes



POST api/Records/ManHour/{id}/Documents

Upload and associate documents to the Man Hour

GET api/Records/ManHours?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all Man-Hours consumptions

PUT api/Records/ManHours

Add a new Man-Hour record

DELETE api/Records/ManHours/{id}

Delete Man-Hour record

POST api/Records/Material/{id}/Documents

Upload and associate documents to the Direct Application

GET api/Records/Materials?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all Materials consumptions

POST api/Records/Materials

Add a new Material consumption

DELETE api/Records/Materials/{id}

Delete Stock Item Direct Application record

POST api/Records/Other/{id}/Documents

Upload and associate documents to Other

GET api/Records/Others?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all Others consumptions

POST api/Records/Others

Add a new Other/Service record

PUT api/Records/RealTimeManHours

Add a new real time Man-Hour record

POST api/Records/RealTimeManHours/Stop

Stop a real time Man-Hour record

GET api/Records/RunningRecords?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all the Running records


GET api/Document/{id}

Downloads the document associated with the Id

GET api/Image/{id}

Downloads the image associated with the Id


Materials / Stock Items

GET api/Materials?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all materials

POST api/Materials

Create a new material (the code will be created internally)

PUT api/Materials

Create a new Material or update an existing one

GET api/Materials/{store}?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all Materials stock levels

PUT api/Materials/{store}/{code}

Update the Material "virtual" stock level (no stock movement is registered)

DELETE api/Materials/{store}/{code}

Inactivate a material in a store

PUT api/Materials/CodingStandard/{class}/{family}

Create the Materials Coding Standard, class/family/subfamily

GET api/Materials/Entries?{Paging}&{Filter}

List all store entries

POST api/Materials/Entries

Add a new store entry

PUT api/Materials/Inventory

Add a new inventory

GET api/Materials/Movements?{Paging}&{Filter}

List movements of material in store

POST api/Materials/Output

Add a new store output

PUT api/Materials/Returns/{id}

Return a material

GET api/Materials/Stores

List all Stores

PUT api/Materials/Stores

Create a new Store or update an existing one